Hampton & Royce, L.C. — Salina, Kansas Law Firm Accepting Professional Referrals

No one professional can be an expert in all aspects of the law. When a potential client presents a problem outside your expertise, you need to know there is a full-service law firm ready to provide support to you and your clients through professional referrals with an attorney with that expertise.

Legal Support for Small-Town Law Firms

Working as a small-town lawyer in rural Kansas means being responsive to a wide variety of clients' needs. General practitioners become highly skilled at handling a variety of clients' everyday legal challenges. But when a potential client walks in the door with something unusual, you may not have the time to drop everything and learn a new area of the law.

At Hampton & Royce, L.C., we want to be here to support you and your firm. We offer a wide variety of legal services, including many more specialized areas. We can provide direct representation for your clients' more obscure or complicated legal issues, or work with you to fill the gaps in your own legal practice. With our experience and history, you know your customers will be well taken care of.

In-Depth Personal Injury Representation

When your local clients suffer life-changing personal injuries whether on the farm, in a public place, or behind the wheel, you need a firm that knows how to work with experts and the law to develop the case. Many small firms do not have the capacity to take on large personal injury lawsuits, with all of their related litigation expenses. We can provide fee-sharing support services, giving you access to our extensive law library and 300 years of combined legal experience, as well as support staff to assist with the document-heavy parts of the work.

In other cases, you need someone to take the reins and let you focus on your work. At Hampton & Royce, we have the experience, capacity, and staff to wade through extensive medical records and discovery. Our attorneys have the sophistication to defend against technical motions and defenses, and the resources to raise innovative legal theories in support of your clients' interests. We offer referral arrangements that make sure you don't lose business and always respect your existing relationship with your clients.

Compassionate Family Law and Planning Services

Many civil litigators don't want to take on their clients' emotionally charged family law needs. We understand the importance of balancing the attorney and counselor roles in a divorce or family law situation. We can step in to protect your client's interests, particularly when a family business or farm is on the line. We will work with you and your client to make they are well taken care of.

Business & Estate Planning Services for Accounting Clients

Not everyone who refer clients to Hampton & Royce are attorneys. Accountants and other service professionals often call on us to provide business and estate planning services within the legal arena. If you have a client who needs contracts, entity formation, trust or estate planning work done, you can rely on our skilled attorneys. We will work with you and your client to compliment the work you have already done and provide the legal services they need to meet their goals.

Bring Hampton & Royce Onto Your Team

No one person can do everything for his or her clients. When things get tough, our skilled lawyers are here to help. Contact Hampton & Royce to establish an attorney referral relationship that will help you do better work for your clients.